1 - Conduite accompagnée (suggestion de la semaine par Di Marco).
Après avoir remis les 4 parties de l'image
dans le bon ordre, délit de fuite ou assistance à personne en danger le choix vous appartient, racontez-le dans un commentaire
d'une quinzaine lignes (dessin le cas échéant accepté, best of de vos contributions à la fin
de l'été).
2 - Brush up your english with the Rob Pruitt 101 Art Ideas to do list
[91 to 101] :
81 - Take things apart.
82 - Put things back together.
83 -Toss losse change into a pile on the floor.
84 - Make an aluminium foil death mask.
85 - An electric fan wearing a T-shirt becomes an easy
figurative sculpture.
86 - Make a portrait of someone by printing their phone
number poster size.
87 - Make a portrait/self-portrait by captioning a mirror.
88 - Frame a crédit card statement, e.g., the month of your
trip to Paris.
89 - Stalk someone.
90 - Collect autographs, one per canvas or page. Think of
them as portraits.
91 - Make a photo album of all your wordly possessions.
92 - Record yourself talking for fifteen minutes, let your
consciousness stream.
93 - Save and transcribe your voicemail. Publish your
94 - Make a collage on an unopened wine bottle for the year
of its vintage.
95 - Don’t clean your house and call it squatter art.
96 - Make a scent installation. A pipe branch in a
microwave, pour a glass of cologne, fart.
97 - Write captions on the glass for the view outside your
98 - Write lyrics to a classical music composition.
99 - Title untitled paintings.
100 - Make a list
101 - Title your life.
Rob Pruitt, 1999, All Rights Reserved.
That's all folks !
3 - L'anagramme de la semaine : Lorgna o Elysée
(indice : primaires) par Clovis Ferdeus. Réponse le 22-08.
Solution de la semaine précédente : "A la recherche du temps perdu"
extrait de Mementos-fragments, de Michèle
Grangaud, éditions POL.
Réponse : Ségolène Royal ! (Bonne fin de vacances)...
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